Carolina Heritage Realty manages over 300 rental properties in the Catawba Valley Area.
We rent multiple property types including: Residential Homes (Stick Built and Manufactured), Apartments, Duplexes, Mobile Home Lots and Commercial Buildings. We are a one stop shop for all of your rental needs!
We rent multiple property types including: Residential Homes (Stick Built and Manufactured), Apartments, Duplexes, Mobile Home Lots and Commercial Buildings. We are a one stop shop for all of your rental needs!
Renting Facts
es we currently have available to rent. Once you find a property you are interested in renting, feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. Renting is a fairly simple process - Here is how it works:
- Pick out the property or properties you are interested in renting.
- To see the inside of a property, come by the office Monday - Friday 10am - 3pm.
- We'll make a copy of your Driver's License and hold a $20 key deposit until you return the key.
- All keys MUST be returned before 5pm the same day.
- Fill out a CHR rental application - there is a $50 application fee which is non-refundable.
- We submit your rental application for review to verify your rental history with past landlords including any evictions and/or property damage as well criminal history.
- Must Not Have any Judgments or liens for property damage or unpaid rent from any person or business entity.
- Evictions – Must Not Have any Evictions filings within the past 7 years
- Criminal History:
* Must Not Have more than 2 arrests within the last 10 years
* Must Not Have Any violent or sexual related offenses
- Income:
* Income based on Primary Applicant’s Income ONLY!
* Verifiable Proof of Income Required!
Examples: Current Paystub with YTD amounts, Social Security or Disability Award Letter, 1099 or Tax Return (if same employer)
* Cannot be employed less than 30 – 90 days (must be permanent position not temp service)
- Bad references from prior or current landlords or places of employment
- Falsification of information on rental application
- No Rental History: Applicant may be denied or owner may require up to a double security deposit
Lease info:
- All tenants are required to have rental insurance. Policy information MUST be provided BEFORE signing a lease.
- Carolina Heritage Realty MUST be listed as the additional insured & Policy must have a Minimum of $100,000 liability.
- All properties are rented for a minimum of one year.
- The first month's pro-rated rent and security deposit are required prior to moving in.
- Rent is due on the 1st of the month.
- If paid after the 6th of the month, a 5% late fee will be charged.
- If rent and late fee are not paid by the 15th of the month, eviction papers will be taken out the first Monday on or after the 15th.
Carolina Heritage Realty 2010 Startown Road Hickory, NC 28602
Phone: 828.465.6259 Fax: 828.465.6263